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Oak Tree

Horse Chestnut

Peach Tree and

Maple Tree

Pine Tree

Maple leafs

Peach Tree

Hi Canova friend, here you see some pictures of my garden, taken some weeks ago, during the hot 1997 Summer.

These are only few pictures; my will is to explain life and growth of our young trees, which are silent but important companions of our life.
So I can say here what you can read in other pages of this site, i.e. that I'll update this page with many pictures and informations about how our garden grows and makes our life more sweet and comfortable.

If you have some topics or experiences about gardening and the art of growing trees, please don't hesitate and contact me, I'll be happy to hear from you.


In the meanwhile, you can visit

Gardening WEB site     Plants Encyclopaedia, search engyne,plants illnesses . . .
Garden Escape     Tips and news about gardens and trees



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